CyberSurgeons™ is a development project for a new e-Mission™ targeting high school science students. We're currently testing this distance learning simulation and expect to unveil it in its final version later this year.
CyberSurgeons promises a greater integration of technology than previous e-Missions and a thorough alignment of biology standards. We're meshing it with the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study, a thoroughly researched, high-impact high school biology textbook recognized by the National Science Foundation and National Science Teachers Association.
With this e-Mission, funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Health, high school students become part of a fictional CyberSurgeons remote trauma unit on a ship that's one of a fleet of rapid-response trauma units headquartered in Washington, D.C. Their ship is equipped with a high-tech hospital and medical research capabilities, state-of-the-art high-end communications systems, and dedicated satellites to relay information.
Their mission is conducted through a videoconference hookup from the students' classroom to the Center for Educational Technologies®. Before the live simulation students learn how to analyze and apply simple datasets to authentic problems.
On mission day students connect live for about 75 minutes with the chief medical officer, played by a professional educator at the Center for Educational Technologies. In the scenario the chief medical officer receives an alert from a research station in the Amazon basin in Brazil. A researcher there is in medical distress, possibly from a reaction to plants the individual has been collecting as possible treatments for cancer and AIDS. The students play the role of trauma experts. In real time they diagnose and recommend treatment for the illness and then follow up to make certain the treatment worked.
For more information visit the CyberSurgeons website.